
Registration is a 2-step process:

  1. Fill out the registration form online.

  2. Pay Tuition. Please note, that you do not need to pay online. If you prefer to pay by check; if you would like to make monthly payments; or if you would will be submitting the financial assistance form, we will bill you directly.


Affiliated Students: $395
Unaffiliated Students: $595

Complete the Registration Form by 9/5 to save $20 for each student. As long as your Registration Form is complete by 9/5, you will receive the early registration discount.

Save $25 for each additional student enrolled. Students of clergy, faculty, and staff are eligible for a different discount.

If paying online, please consider paying fees. When you pay the processing fees, Epstein receives your full tuition payment, which allows us to offer more programs to our students.

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsoring organizations and community donors, finances are NEVER a barrier to a teen's Jewish education at Epstein.

Scholarships are available. Download and fill out our very simple, confidential form below and send it to or mail to: 

The Epstein School
P.O. Box 161
Syracuse, NY 13214

Financial Assistance Form